Older people have been the most vulnerable group to the coronavirus pandemic that has shaken the entire planet. Covid-19 has emphasized the care need of elderly people, those who gave us everything, in regards to their right to health. Behind the numbers were the stories of a generation that suffered a Civil War and sacrificed themselves to achieve a welfare state. Residents, families and workers have faced an immense duel with limited resources and a scenario of fear and uncertainty. San Carlos de Celanova (Ourense, Spain) was one of the first home for elderly to register a massive contagion by the new coronavirus and was considered the “zero zone” of Galicia (northwest Spain). The workers, on the front line and wearing protective equipment, suffered weeks of great stress, working long days with insufficient resources. 9 residents died and more than 40 were infected, apart from 18 workers. Professionals of San Carlos residence have been heroines in the war against an invisible enemy that put them up against the ropes when, in the third week of March, the center became one of the greatest sources of infection.